Wednesday, September 3

Answering the tag

1 ) Are you allowed to have a bf/gf?
Definately not

2 ) Describe urself in one word.

3 ) Who would you pick, someone who really loves you, or the one you love?
Someone who really loves me

4) Have you ever loved someone BEFORE but never had the courage to tell him/her?

5 ) Does it feel good to love?
NO idea

6 ) What's the best thing to do with the one you love? about hugging? am i suppose to know???

7) What will you say to someone who doesn't want to believe you?
Go and die

8 ) Was there ever a time that you tried to learn to love someone?

9 ) What's your opinion about someone who's jealous?
His or her business. I don't care.

10 ) What would you say to playboys/playgirls?
Have fun!

[[ * PART 2 * ]]

1 ) Best place to cry?
Anywhere alone

2) Who do you love the most?

3 ) Tell us about ur dream last night?
Oh....i dreamt about.....ah....can't remember

4) Ever hated someone so bad?
Hate of course got....but till the max.....none

5 )The biggest & most hurtful lie you heard?

6 )The last person
-you had a beer with?

-you went to the movies with?
There isn't a cinema in Taiping

-you talked on the cell phone with?
Duh, my dad

-you hugged?

-you yelled at?
My mother

7 ) In the last week have you..
~Kissed someone?

~Danced crazy?

8 )Think of the last time u were angry, why were u angry?
Easy because i lose my patience

9 )If you could do anything OR wish anything, what would it be?
Online 24 hours a day

10 )If you could have an all expense paid trip, where will you go?
New Zealand...

11 )Would you or have you ever blackmailed someone?
Sure...why not

12 )Are you old fashioned?

13 )What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?
I don't love them back

14 )What thing would be the hardest thing for you to give up on?
My life

Facts About Me:

5 Things that Scares Me:
Moral, BM, SIVIK, my mom, heights

7 Songs Playing in My Head Lately:
Gorgeous 4 u. Everything, Special Gutto, .....can ad....lazy

7 Words I Always Use:
Yo! So mean...Go and die...hohoho

7 Things I Always Use:
Pencil, pen, rular, eraser, books

I tag..
Chua Ye Khai



hmk said... me a lot izit?

Anonymous said...

oho hmk very perasan