Saturday, August 23

part 4.5

Meanwhile, pink bunny was being leaded into an enclosed cave. The abnormal animal which pink bunny identified as it saviour doesn't seemed all that safe now. Suddenly, the goldfish earlier popped out of nowhere and pinned the shocked bunny to the cave wall.
'Why are you chasing our fellow friend? Is this all a misunderstanding or you meant to do harm to our friend? Answer now or die in my tickling attack', growled the goldfish.
' friend....? Thi....s is the first time i'm m...eating you and your comrade there', stammered pink bunny.
'Not it, i meant my the other friend', gestured the goldfish to the conner of the cave, pointing towards the lollipop which the pink bunny was chasing earlier. The anger in the goldfish's eyes died out. Pink bunny calmed down. Its brain begun to work out a solution and it decided on lying.
'I do not know what you are talking about', answered pink bunny. This particular bunny never learnt its lesson that honestly is the best policy.It was at that moment, the goldfish started its tickling attack with the help of the abnormal animal.
Back at the beach, the seven now eight friends found their new shelter.Soon they traveled high and low, looking for pink bunny. They jumped over crocodiles, ran away from lions before they finally told Nike about the case of the missing bunny. Nike laughed and said,'well, that's easy.I can just summon it here'.
Nike stood up and began mumbling nonsense. Then out loud it shouted,'hop hop chop chop bring me the nuisance bunny!'
Lightning formed once more and striked the their newly found shelter. Imagine their depression watching their shelter brunt down once more. Among the ashes emerged a crying lollipop, a goldfish and an abnormal animal tickling pink bunny. Silence hung around them. Then the weirdest thing happened. All of them started laughing. The abnormal animal introduced itself as Osaka and friendship was bonded between all of them for life.

Well, that was how the friendship between fourteen friends was formed. You must be wondering why did i say fourteen when there's only twelve in the story. Haha. The answer is very simple, two of us are the narrators of the story. Wondering how we fit into the story? Keep on wondering. We will never tell you that piece of information afterall a magician never reveals its secrets so why must us the narractors give you the answer to that particular question? (evil laughter). Just keep on dreaming. Adios, amigo!


-Author 1 and 3 (wei ling)
-Author 2 and 4 (may khei)

P/s: The extra numbers for the authors (3 and 4) are just to make the authors to appear mysterious


✖ C l i Q u e 1 4 ✖ said...'t the word 'honestly' should be 'honesty'??? how come nobody say anything about it???bluek.

Anonymous said...

i bet the person commented tis is siu chen am i right?