Saturday, August 23

part 4.2

the seven of them were worried sick.just when they were enjoying the sounds of the ocean, the splish-splash of the waves, the sandy beach, pink bunny was missing.their vacation had not even begun, yet an unfortunate event had already taken was like, clique 14:a series of unfortunate events.=S
the lollipop seems to be heading to the place where pink bunny was most afraid of,the ocean."how could a lollipop swim, yet i couldn't?"pink bunny thought silently.the colourful lollipop was too tempting, pink bunny had no choice but to follow the lollipop into the ocean.just as pink bunny set foot in the water, it could feel the cold shudder running down its spine, yet it did not want to give up just knew very well that it was putting its life at stake, but sometimes in life, we do give in to our desires, don't we?
just as pink bunny was about to get hold of the lollipop, it could feel a jolt from lost its balance and almost drowned in the bunny was bobbing up and down in the water, trying to breathe in fresh air and at the same time, not sink to the ocean floor.
in the midst of bobbing up and down, pink bunny saw the was a fish, all gold with a pout on its mouth.its a goldfish."what is a goldfish doing in the wide ocean?"pink bunny thought."it almost killed me,that ugly, angelina jolie-ish, good-for-nothing fish!"
just as pink bunny thought it was going to drown, a saviour appear out of was dressed in a black body-fitting suit,duck's feet and a big cylinder on its back.this saviour kind of looked like an was too small for a whale, too big for a duck, too unlikely for a turtle."now, this must be some sort of god-sent saviour!"pink bunny thought.

author 2

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