Friday, January 30

Clique Fourteen Voice Practice

The 30th of January was the two of our beloved friends' birthday celebration. First was Phui Yee, also known as Pao, D.O.B on the 13th of January. Second was Vivian also known as Pink Bunny, D.O.B on the 31st of January. A very happy birthday to all of them.

Now kicking that aside, that was also the day that the clique got to try out their hidden talent of singing in a Karaoke VIP Room at Taiping Central.....Naturally, not all of us are born a star...Several tries were needed to improve our skill of singing.

Enjoy watching the video below

P/s: I have spent SOME time doing this.....and would appreciate if the critics didn't comment much


1 comment:

-teeni- said...

seasons in the sun was definitely interesting to listen to.. hahaha..