Thursday, November 13

chapter 2.part 6.

ARRRRGH!!!!! Nike shouted out loud. It staggered backwards till it accidently pushed pao. Poor pao wasn't so stable at that tripped and fall onto lollipop....the aquarium which the both of them have been so heavily guarded...fell down. Water spilled everywhere. Goldfish got thrown out and landed on sushi who was applying its lotion on. Everyone went chaos. Pink bunny went on sreaming. Smiley braces tried controling the situation. It went from one friend to the other....asking them to calm down. Black banana tried to follow smiley braces. It started on sing Amazing Grace. Taugeh....put on its Fersome Taugeh costume and picked lollipop and pao up. Then, it went on singing Amazing Grace with black banana. Soon, everyone got hold of their nerves. Fuh, such a critical situation. Pao and Lollipop suddenly began to laugh and everyone followed. Suddenly......a tiny voice is heard.

'Erm, guys? I need some help here. Can someone pick me up and refill my aquarium', said Goldfish.

The eleven friends stopped laughing and went on helping Goldfish up. Fire demon ran all the way to a nearby river and filled the aquarium. And so, the twelve friends once again overcome this obstacle.

'What happened Nike? Why was u so scared till u staggered upon pao?' asked lollipop.

Nike , shaking with fear now that it remembered the note, pointed straight at the note. All of them crowded around the note.They went silent.

Then, Goldfish said out loud.....
'What does it say? I have never learn to read. I only know the fish alphabets. Can you read to me?'. The rest of them (all eleven) glared at Goldfish. Silence once more.

Meanwhile, 2oo miles away, an evil laughter was heard.......

author 2

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