Wednesday, October 1

i stumble upon tis.

1. Guys who says stuff like, "I like you, but I'm not ready for a relationship". Guys like this are just into flirting. That's all there is.
2. Guys who calls or sms you whenever they like. What do they think of you? A toy? Come and go as he wish???
3. Guys who asks you out on a date without really meaning it. Ya, there're plenty of jerks like this in this world.
4. Guys who already have a GF but still sms and find you all the time. What do they want? They have a GF but they still find you? Do they take you as a hooker or what? Why bother be in a relationship if all they want is to flirt around?
5. Guys who think that they're always right. This kind of guys are self centered and they wouldn't give a damn bout how you feel.
6. Guys who are blur all the time. They don't even know what is happening even if you hint them. And if you tell them directly in the face, they'll just react by saying "alah, small thing also so sensitive."
7. Guys who do not know what they want. If they do not know what they want, what makes you think that they'll know how to love you?
8. Guys who just keep finding you even after you told them that you're busy at the moment. This kind of guy are a no no. They mean no harm, but seriously, how long can you put up with them? It's like having a mom as your bf.
9. Guys who go round bitching bout other guys to you so that you'll keep your distance. This kind of guy are just jealous of the other. They have nothing better to do than do act like a pussy.
10. Guys who don't treat you right. Yes, if you're unhappy with him, regardless it's on the phone or when you're hanging out with him, get rid of him. He's a no no for your life.

lae~~~ ..
gtg. i shall continue later.....



Anonymous said...

uh....dear.....who pissed you?

Anonymous said...
